Roy Head, ancient wizard of Siegfried & Roy, dies from complications of COVID-19
 Roy Head, ancient wizard of Siegfried & Roy, dies from complications of COVID-19
The iconic illusionist Roy Uwe Ludwig Horn died in Las Vegas Friday owing to COVID-19 complications. Horn, aged 75, was best known for his part in the magic duo Siegfried and Roy, who became world famous for incorporating endangered animals into their illusions on stage.

According to the CBS affiliate WIAT, Horn screened positive for coronavirus in April. Before his passing, he had been hospitalized in Mountain View Hospital.

"One of the great magics has been lost in the universe, but I have lost my best mates," said Siegfried Fischbacher, Horn's magic partner in the declaration.

"From the moment we met, I felt Roy and I would alter the world.Without Roy there will not be Siegfried, and without Siegfried, no Roy" he said. "Roy has been a warrior all his life, particularly in the last days."

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In Germany in 1944, Horn was raised. He encountered Siegfried while serving on a cruise ship; after a conversation he initiated with the issue of "Can you make a matter vanish," according to a release by his press department, their 50-year partnership as a magic duo began.

The couple was soon recognized for the integration of fantastic and majestic animals into their shows during their 14-year stay at The Mirage in Las Vegas, the statement said. People went to Las Vegas to witness their production of $30 million, including the loss of wolves, white lions, leopards, jaguars and even an elephant.

On 3 October 2003, when he had a stroke and one of the duo's white tigers pulled him off stage, Horn's last — and most remarksable— appearance was. Horn dubbed the Mantecore tiger his "lifesaver," from that day forward.

Criss Angel shared his condolences with a friend of magician and illusionist, "Thank you for your support and encouragement. You led the path and you shall always be missed."
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